Is This the new Nintendo Switch Mini?

Reports that Nintendo is moving forward on two different new Switch hardware iterations continue to grow. One of the iterations is said to be a standard console with improved performance and the other a smaller handheld-only version of the Switch. Both are… Continue Reading


Cyberpunk 2077 gets April 2020 release date, check out the E3 2019 cinematic trailer

In addition to dropping a fantastic-looking new cinematic trailer for the game, CD Projekt Red brought Keanu Reeves on stage to reveal the title’s release date — April 16, 2020. Though some were hoping the game would be out in… Continue Reading


Final Fantasy VII Remake finally gets a release date

Highly anticipated: After years of silence, some developer shuffling, and loads of conjecture about a release window, the Final Fantasy VII remake will finally hit shelves March 3, 2020. Final Fantasy VII Remake is still going to be episodic, so while… Continue Reading