Xbox Anniversary Celebration Show
Enjoy !
Enjoy !
Kotaku was recently contacted by an anonymous source that worked on the original Xbox. The person shared an Easter egg that, to the best of their knowledge, has remained undiscovered for almost 20 years. It’s nothing groundbreaking, mind you, and the… Continue Reading
As part of the Xbox Series X | S release date and pricing announcement, Microsoft have released a little slide detailing the final tech specs of the two consoles, showing the relative teraFLOP-iness of the two consoles, and confirming a few… Continue Reading
Sony and Nintendo dominate the global sales of consoles. It’s 2020, video games are being released left, right, and center and consoles such as the PS4 and Xbox One continue to wage console wars. However, how many consoles have been… Continue Reading
In brief: Microsoft’s new Xbox Series X console is a beast, courtesy of the biggest generational leap in SoC power and new APIs. The company has worked together with AMD to make a console that can rival some of the most… Continue Reading