The source that told you Nintendo would release a Pokémon game that utilized a full 3D engline (turned out to be Pokémon X and Y), told you there would be a new type of Pokémon in new said Pokémon game (Fairy), older Pokémon would get new abilities and forms (Mewtew), told you the PS4 would be capable of producing modern day graphics on a DX11 level “like Unreal Engine 4 and Frostbite 2″ (Unreal 4 demoed during PS4 release), told you Microsoft would introduce an omni projection unit that would let game environments to be projected in a near 360-degree fashion around the user (Ilumiroom), and recently broke the internet with his Nintendo NX information is back again. Check out Geno’s information.
- Activision plans on bringing Skylanders at launch to the NX along with the next Call of Duty game called “Bloodlines” in Fall 2016. In 2017, the company will team up with Platinum Games to launch Spider-Man: The First Avenger which will tie into the MCU movie and universe. Activision is also being given “hard bargains” by Nintendo to have BETA access to “Beyond Destiny”, the sequel to Destiny which plans to launch Holiday 2017.
- Activision is interested in bringing Beyond Destiny to NX due to the fact you can play local and online multiplayer between units at the same time as well that the new mainline Pokémon games will not only guarantee a big NX user base but a new type of audience they can bring into the franchise. If this deal comes into fruition, Activision will release a “complete” version of the first Destiny game on NX in early 2017.
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